
Music and Mental Health Project

Discover the new “Music and Mental Health Project”, an effort of the WONCA Working Party for Mental Health led by Alfredo de Oliveira Neto (Brazil), Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury (India) and Moisés Nunes (Brazil) that seeks to mitigate through music the psychosocial effects posed by the COVID19.

Music and Mental Health - Live + Song Release ("Tone of Mind") - June 26th 12h UTC(BST)

Working Party for Mental Health - WONCA

Alfredo de Oliveira Neto
(Family Physician, Professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)
Harmonia Enlouquece - “Harmony Gets Crazy Band”
Rio de Janeiro / Brazil

Arnab Bishnu Chowdhury
(Composer, Therapist, Teacher, 3rd generation Musician)
Founder - ‘Know Your Rhythm’
Pondicherry / India

Brad Kelly
(Community Resource Centre Coordinator)
Spinifex / Desert Stars Band
Tjuntjuntjara Community / Australia

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