Серебряная Нить
Correction and development program
for children with disabilities
Sphere of Opportunities

The social adaptation project «Sphere of Opportunities» is an extensive training program for preparing orphans and children left without parental care for independent life after leaving the children's centers.

The program provides children with important skills in decision-making and defining social boundaries; assistance in solving personal problems and conflict situations; an adequate assessment of their abilities and recommendations for career choice.

While working towards successful social adaptation, the cognitive, speech, and emotional-volitional spheres of children inevitably need to be corrected. We take it into account and strive to solve any issues during our special classes on various topics.




World of Fairy Tales


Excursions to the production of Moloko Group

Wednesday / Sunday


Thursday / Saturday

Art yoga



An unusual space located in Moscow City where interactive performances are held. Such activities provide children with new emotions and vivid impressions!


Moloko Group

Our friends and partners provide the program with amazing dairy products of their own production. Children are extremely interested in the process of cheesemaking and carefully study the workshop space. Here we conduct classes on healthy eating as well as cooking classes, and provide information about the food industry jobs.


It is our children's favorite concert place. Children love classical music and happily attend special concerts and events. They are impressed by the atmosphere of art and aesthetics as well as find inspiration.


Nellie Lee-Ya
Actress, musician, poetess, teacher and author of acting courses, facilitator of Access Bars and Facelift school of mindfulness.
Madina Tursunova
Author and teacher of the program «EcoBody», physical correction and rehabilitation specialist. Massage therapist, Reiki master.
Elena Sedletskaya
CEO of the children's eco center «Noosphere», corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences. Medalist of the XIX Olympic Games in the field of Environmental Protection.


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